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Internet To The Desktop

As Internet, Intranet, and other computer-based technologies continually transform the business landscape, new opportunities are appearing daily to streamline office procedures, enhance client satisfaction, and increase company profits. Solsource offers a whole range of products and services to ensure your firm can take full advantage of the ever-evolving information age. And no other aspect of the digital revolution offers prospects as promising as the World Wide Web. Over the Net, companies and individuals can gain access to a whole world of information. At Solsource, our specialty is bringing the planet to your desk in "byte-size" portions. But the best service in the industry is only part of the solution. We've seen time and again that as businesses familiarize themselves with the ever-expanding potentials of the Internet/Intranet, their vision of how to benefit from the Web also increases. Upgrading outdated hardware can be a major impediment to remaining cutting edge in this fast-moving technology. That's why Solsource specializes in providing state-of-the-art hardware from industry leaders like Sun Microsystems, Cisco, CERFnet and Netscape, thereby ensuring your existing equipment will continue to handle your expanding network needs. At Solsource, we have over 50 years of combined connectivity experience, as well as the most accredited staff in Southern California. All of our engineers have passed the highly exacting Sun competency 2000 certification process, the highest proficiency rating in the business. We have connected scores of companies, with a trunkload of success stories to affirm our commitment to standing beside you every step of the way through the learning process.

Internet to Desktop Services

Networking technology moves fast. Too fast for most organizations to even track. Yet the competitive business environment, especially with the advent of the Internet, requires enterprises to not only track, but also implement and support complex computing and network services. The skill with which a company manages these difficult tasks directly impacts the bottom line and the achievement of core business goals. Solsource assists customers in achieving network systems administration success. We combine experienced UNIX and Internet systems engineers, a knowledgeable sales force, and a complete line of hardware and software products. From this base, we offer our business partners flexible services ranging from hot-line phone support to on-site network management. Solsource specializes in the design and integration of heterogeneous networks and communication links. Our systems engineers' intimate understanding of the Internet, TCP/IP, UNIX and network hardware enables them to configure your network for maximum efficiency and tune each node to ensure performance. And, our business relationships with the leading networking companies allows us to deliver turnkey solutions to our customers.

Internet to Desktop Solutions

Enterprise Package

Additional Internet to Desktop Services

Hotline Support - Provides customers access to Solsource engineers on the phone from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time to answer questions regarding network support. Modem dial-in support is also available with this service.

On-Site Support - Solsource engineering support is supplied on-site for network administration, performance tuning, network backups, Internet configuration, security assurance, peripheral support, software installation, training and systems planning. Solsource provides Sun Microsystems and complete network system solutions, including secure Internet access from the desktop to the enterprise class data centers. Our vast UNIX expertise and Sun Competency 2000 certification affords us the ability to service your network or build one from scratch. As Sun Microsystems' largest San Diego VAR, we combine networking hardware, data management software, and a full compliment of services. Solsource has strategic partnerships with Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems, CERFnet, and Netscape Communications. Our unique ability to combine resources makes Solsource the premier choice for enterprise-class Sun Solaris solutions. We have an untiring commitment to customer satisfaction by offering our solutions and services at a fair price. For Internet to the Desktop Solutions, only Solsource's dedicated team of engineers offer the resources that allow you to improve your PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH TECHNOLOGYTM.

VISIT our web site or CALL US at 800-858-4405 today.
